@wrm57 - you and I remain doppelgängers in so many respects. I have never used the MSL though had a few Airtights back in the day. When I finally visited Albert in person-- long overdue- he had two 14 inch Kuzma 4 Pts set up on his tweaked out SP-10mkiii. One had a Blue Lace, the other the Airtight Opus. The latter sounded more linear but the wood from the drum sticks was lifelike on the Blue Lace. Easy to hear the difference given Albert’s set up which allowed us to switch back and forth between arms/cartridges playing the same record simultaneously.
I can’t answer your question. I know @mijostyn is a big proponent of the MSL line (not sure which model he prefers).
FWIW, I stuck the same Stillpoints under my Allnic phono power supply with the same results. (Currently using a GEC u52 cup base rectifier, which seems to voice "just so" with my system as presently set up). So much has to do with the overall voicing of the system that what works well in one system may not be the right answer in another.
best regards,
Bill Hart