We are being flooded by headphone ads

Over the past few weeks I've noticed a huge influx of oblique discussions about headphones, often Sennheisers.  I'm getting a little tired of it. 

It's clearly meant to generate discussion about headphones, but placed in areas besides headphones.  The guy who allegedly has ear pain without them, the several people looking for changes from brand x... all of them with accounts newly minted. 


Having just rented an AirB&B on the upper west side of Manhattan, I reflected that there was no way that I could enjoy my system at a volume that I considered acceptable.  A headphone system would be the only acceptable alternative.  They are also much cheaper and easier on the living space than our systems.  Now, I can't really stand having something on my head or in my ears for more than 1 hour, but, not to mention the hole in the head soundstage issue, but for many others the logic is compelling

I have separate 2-channel and headphone systems, and have about the same amount invested in each. I enjoy them both immensely. 

We had the same thing for a while with audioengine speakers. I think it is subliminal advertising, probably by bots. AI has arrived.

PS  thanks for pointing it out. I'll quit answering them.