Dear edgewear, I am willing to exchange 30 of my cartridges for your Lapis
Lazuli. You will than get 60 and I ONLY 30 cartrideges. The inventor of the
whole Kiseki story was aware of the problem. For thiese who could not
afford Lapis Lazuli he produced the so called ''poor man Lapis Azuli.'. Aka
Black heart . The ''on;y'' difference being boron cantiler and wood instead
of diamond cantiever and Lapis Lazuli jewel, Only available in Afganistan,
I am not sure if I should inform youa bout this. But ''at present'' as Marlene
Ditrich stated wondering why American women are so poorly clothed
''at present one can get decent clothes for ony 100000 $''
My assertion was ''based o induction''. Like sky is the limit in America
so everyone can become rich in America, I as mentioned I spend a fortune
on my cruked cantievers so the only one with such ''deviation;'' is my
Kiseki Agaat. This is common practice at present. Becouse Russia
invaded Ukraine all European country expact Russian invasion. So all
of them increased military spending and souranded Russin Nord borders.
But meanwhlle there is invasion from the oppistww side with imigrants
from all Africa an midle East. Withouth any weapons. So tehy know how
to defend thesemlf from Putin but have no idea how to defend themself
from the imigrants. I fear USA has similar problem?