What does it take to be a die hard Beatles fan?

I am the first to admit that I am a Beatles fan. And might even say that I am die hard. A recent film and recent album has me questioning the latter.

Peter Jackson's film "Get Back" and the 2022 "de-mixed" release of "Revolver" were both somewhat over the top for even a long time Beatles fan.

I had difficulty getting through both the film and the album.

Yes, it was pretty cool to get an inside look at the prep for the famous rooftop concert. But it became tedious to listen to all the "bla bla" in the studio and the endless fiddling of non Beatles songs.

Not to mention all that time "practicing" in the studio to come up with 3 or 4 songs.

And it was cool to hear the de-mixed versions of Revolver material, but 63 tracks with much relatively meaningless stuff took me 2 days to get through. 

I certainly can appreciate the attraction to the behind the scenes things.

But neither the film or the album gave me much insight into who these guys are were/are.

The film was especially disappointing.




I forced myself to watch all nine hours of that boring, boring movie. And the music heard merely reaffirms my opinion of the Let It Be album: Dreadful, absolutely unlistenable. They peaked with the Revolver album.

That damn sitar ruined George as a guitarist, Ringo’s drumming got very sluggish as time went on, and John & Paul increasingly wrote apart not together (they really needed each other, the whole being vastly greater than the sum of it's parts). Their breakup was imo long overdue.

accepting ’Get Back’ as a very good or great film or even worth the time does not make or break one’s Beatles fandom qualifications. i see this documentary as a table full of excesses which i visit and consume at my own speed. from time to time i watch more of it, but may never finish. yet i listen to Beatles music all the time and hold them in the highest regards. i was 11 years old when the Beatles were first on the Ed Sullivan show, and since that night, i have been fully on board.

the creative magic that happened for that decade or so, was a freak of nature.

sure; we can play ’what if?’.......such is life. i celebrate what they have done to make my life more full and enjoyable, and expect to continue to appreciate them.

agree ’Get Back/Let it Be’ was not their best, but a few months later they were in top form for Abbey Road. maybe these sessions were just the warm up for that tour de force magic.

i am unabashedly a 'glass half full' die hard Beatles fan. and accept it all including the warts. 

I too was 12 when I saw the Beatles on Ed Sullivan. It is astounding to think that show was the start of a new epoch in Rock! I agree with you that Abbey Road was their creative peak.

Check out Norman Maslov's YouTube channel if you want to see a hardcore/die hard Beatles fan; he talks about lots of other music, too, but his big three are the Beatles, the Kinks, and the Byrds...