my shortlist for integrated Harbethsuper hl5 plus xd - please advise

Hi All,

the four amps below are those within my price range,

seeking recommendations please on final purchase


-yamaha a-s2200 (concerned not powerull enough)

-rega aethos (same power concern and quality control complaints around transformer hum)

-paradigm str integrated

-exposure 3510


I'm using Classe CAM 200 mono blocks to drive my Harbeth 40.1's. You may be able to pick these up on the secondary market. Terrific sound-smooth, no edge, plenty of spare power. This is the type of amp that Alan Shaw recommends=lots of brute power!!!!

You can’t go wrong with the hegal. For 4K on the used market, its hard to beat IMO. I have a Pass 250, Accuphase 380, Mac Ma353 and the Hegal. I can nit pick all of them, but it’s hard to find anything with the Hegal. Midrange is some of the best I’ve heard. Pass is superb, but $$$ and heat in a small room.

I agree with yogiboy on the LFD recommendation. I have two Harbeth systems; SHL 5+ 40th Anniversary and M30.2 XD. I use a LFD NCSE MK 2+ in each system. Great synergy between Harbeth and LFD. As yogiboy mentioned, Gene Rubin Audio is tops on LFD and Harbeth combination. 
Gene is super friendly and helpful. Well worth a phone call!


If you are in TO, I’ll propose an option.

I’m in Oakville just down the QEW and have my HARBETH M30.2 XD’s driven fabulously by my REGA OSIRIS integrated amp.
If it stirs your drink, PM me and we can discuss an in-house audition to give you a better understanding of what a quality REGA option can deliver in spades.

FWIW, LFD is indeed a quality performer that was my 2nd choice .