user poll on seperates vs integrated

Hey guys, I wanted to try and crowd-source some (likely very opinionated, unscientific) knowledge.  I've read about the benefits of separates (have only ever used integrated myself), and I'm wondering how those benefits compare to the benefits of higher end parts/assembly, when controlled for cost.


To put it more plainly, would you likely get better overall results from a $5000 preamp and $5000 amp, or from a $10,000 integrated, given the likely quality/components used in equipment in those price ranges.


If you're experienced both separates, and integrated amps that cost the equivalent of those separate parts added together, can you speak to which you preferred?


Thanks for weighing in.

Post removed 

It would be interesting to do an actual survey of participants related to this subject.  Key questions could extract a lot of raw data from the group, and could be viewed in detail, or summarily.  I can think of a dozen, or so, questions off hand that could reveal a lot about the decisions and choices members made.

It might be helpful?

Happy with my sugden class A integrated. Takes up less space and I doubt I'd be gaining much audibly by going seperates. Plus, easy to switch out with my other integrated amps...

You didn't mention if your principal source is a turntable or digital. If turntable, definitely make sure your phono stage is separate. I have an AB integrated with SS phono stage. I used to use the amp's phono stage and getting the separate one was a huge improvement, and supposedly the one in my integrated is excellent.

I agree with someone who said if your power requirements dictate mono blocks, get all separates, otherwise a similarly priced integrated versus separates should deliver better value all else being equal because of the cost savings of the parts and cables cut in 1/2..



my main source is a rega turbtable.  I would say i use that for all of my more serious listening.  i have a bluesound node streamer for when i just want something in the background while i'm cooking or doing other things.

currently the only "separate" component i hate is the phone stage which i recently added, and it definitely made a difference, which was what got me thinking of the possibility of separates to begin with, having only ever used integrated in the past.