Have a reflective Memorial day.

For all the veterans, veteran families and those who support veterans in the US and abroad I want to personally thank you. Thanks for all the courage, sacrifice and honorable things you have done. And please reflect on this day and honor what others have done for you, for your way of life. Say thanks to a veteran and their family...


It's about those who served and died.  It's not about your opinion whether their wars were good/bad or some other political position.  Show some decorum people.

I would suggest that “supporting the troops” is actually much more demanding than most Americans seem to believe.  I would recommend to all Americans these three books to help us to discharge this important responsibility:

Breach of Trust: How Americans Failed Their Soldiers and Their Country (American Empire Project)

War Is Not a Game: The New Antiwar Soldiers and the Movement They Built https://www.amazon.com/s?k=war+is+not+a+game&i=stripbooks&crid=QKINYK45TF0T&sprefix=war+is+not+a+game%2Cstripbooks%2C81&ref=nb_sb_noss_2


Paths of Dissent: Soldiers Speak Out Against America's Misguided Wars