As others have correctly said "the implementation matters". The room in which they will be used in is very important. How directional the speakers are and how reverberant/damped the room is will largely impact the sound. Will the setup yield a more direct field where the source contribution dominates or a reverberant field where the room's reverberant contribution dominates. Horns will typically be more direct field and line arrays more reverberant field. OB line arrays definitely more reverberant field. Horns and line arrays are very different. Pros and Cons for both designs.
We designed our OB line arrays with a relatively wide baffle to influence the directional characteristics and to control the rear sound. They are rated at 105 dB 1w 1m. Interestingly, a person at last year's CAF show commented that they sound like a cross between planars and horns. Not sure what he meant.
I say all this to point out that there are many, many different implementation of both designs. You will have to spend lots of time listening to both designs in different room to really know which you prefer.
If anyone wants to send us a pair of reasonably sized horns we will gladly set up a demo to compare the two designs. Might be kind of interesting.