Best Amplifier & Speakers combo?


I’m moving to the next level for my stereo setting, with the budget cap I have I could get one of the following amp + speaker combos:

1. Cambridge Audio CX81 + KEF Q150

2. Cambridge Audio CX61 + KEF LS50 Meta


99% of the time I will use the system to listen records.


Which combo would you choose for a small/medium room? Or any other comparable model recommendations.


Thank you all!!!



If you are dead-set on Cambridge + KEF, then specifically ask about Cambridge + Kef.

If you want other suggestions within a certain price range, forum members will need more information.

What do you have now and which aspects of the system’s presentation do you like and which are you looking to improve, in what way?

What is your budget?

New? Used?

Speaker sensitivity? Amp power rating?

SQ: Neutral? Warm? Forward?

What sort of music do you favor?


Room size/constraints?

IMHO, if you want a future proof combo. 

Buy the Vandersteen VLR bookshelf with a Belles Aria Integrated. 

Albeit, a little more than your budget, but, you'll have a very capable system that can be upgraded as funds allow.

These little speakers don't get the press like the KEF's, but they can really rock when given the right input.

 I use them for my office system, and find them to be very capable or reproducing music that engages you.

I do understand that you have a budget, but...

Investing in a stereo system means knowing what you like and dislike. If you can audition the KEF's and any other speaker/combo, it will enhance your ability to make a knowledgeable decision. In fact, this way you'd be able to buy some/all of the equipment used, and save some money, too.

And, @stuartk, added some very good points to consider.


To answer your question, 🙄, I would go for option #2. I doubt you would need the extra watts. Go for the better speakers. Just my opinion. :)