Yes you are right it is all relative...
But i must relativize your relativization .. 😊
I own the top headphone of the year 1978 and one of the top amplifier of this same year...
My actual system after 6 months of listenings experiments is a top system... Not the best and i will not dare to compared it to 50,000 bucks Sennheiser orpheus headphone system... But i am not so far as to be frustrated at all... My system cost me 600 bucks all included...
Then price tag, save at the two extrem of the scale means way less than people think in real S.Q. or are common place evident...
One thing i know for sure , for the mean average audiophile investment under 25 ,000 dollars is enough ( for top of the world headphone listening for speakers perhaps a few thousand more) , i put the frontier just as an indication, not as a truth ;over 25,000 bucks the price tag means way less more than people think...
I can demonstrate right now how one of the best system in the world can be put together and will cost around maXIMUM 20,000 BUCKS or less for headphone...Paying more will not improve this basic system save in a very marginal way... Knowledge is more important than price tag...And in a room acoustic knowledge is more important for the S.Q. than just price tag ...
I can use three physicists who designed these 3 products to prove my point....
The best dac ever , with no contender is already here, and one of the best ever designed amplifier too... These two i dont own them, but cost around 15,000 bucks and may cost even less... i did not own these 2 products but I own already a good pair of top headphone with a very good amplifier ..
Thanks for your post ...
I wish you the best...
The answer is, it is all relative. If you compare your system to a 10 dollar boom box, it is amazing. Compared to a 250k reference system, your system is likely not so great. I don’t know your system, but I can say with confidence that compared to the source of music for everyone in the world, and since the dawn of time, your system is better then the VAST majority and probably in the top 1%. Of all the people I know, very few have a stereo (which is shocking to me) and those that do most all have a home theater or $2000 system.