Magnepan LRS+ which amps do you use ? * 100 watts or less **

I have a pair coming in this week and wondering if any folks are having good results with 100watt or less amps 

i have a Rogue  Cronos mag that's about 100 watts , also an Exsposure 2510 that's about 110 into 4 ohms 

do you really need hundreds of watts to enjoy these speakers ?


Not many if any talk about amps at 100 or less watts 

Rogue Sphinx. Mentioned 

Just make sure the amp is capable to easily handle 4-ohm loads. I was using an amp that was 90 watts into 4 ohms and I was surprised at how good it sounded. It was capable of moderate listening levels with no problems, but I did notice it got very hot after a short period of listening. I've upgraded to a different amp since them.

I used a Cronus with 1.6 for a while. It was fine, but more juice wouldn't hurt.