what drivers are best? thinking of a DIY project

want to make speaker cabinets and buy the raw drivers HI EFF something like Fostex FE206En 8" or maybe a 10" (Common Sense Audio makes them).

The question is: What are the best sounding drivers in the <$400 price range?

I would rather go big and not use a 6.5" or similar.

thanks Phil
01-10-15: Rodman99999
Morel, ScanSpeak and Seas all built very good drivers. Here's a good place to shop: (https://www.madisoundspeakerstore.com) Studying the very comprehensive specs, included in the descriptions, should help you best choose your combo.
Good advice & agreed, but since the OP asked which are the best drivers, I would add RAAL ribbon tweeters to that list. They are the most natural sounding and best sound staging ribbong tweeters i've ever heard.
I will try without the super tweeter for now

I do not see raw drivers on the Omega website

Audio Nirvana was recommended by another person as well they look interesting

I am looking for single driver technology at this time Melbguy1 and maybe I should mention good cabinets plans (not too difficult {this time}).

all the best Phil
Make sure you check out the Markaudio drivers. They are very highly regarded by the single driver DIY crowd.
thanks Seikosha I feel like I am getting somewhere now

thanks to all who have posted I blame myself for not wording my question right
Theres always great posts on madisounds site. Im a firm believer that smaller is better. Id rather sacrifice some bass to get seamless mids to highs. Also, the jordans i suggested are used in the 47 labs speakers.