New, Very Interesting CD Transport

On John Darko's website today we learn of the brand new Shanling ET3 CD Transport. And for $729 USD it looks really capable. Top loading with Philips SAA7824 drive. AES/EBU, coaxial, TOSLINK and I2S digital outputs. Plus Wifi and Bluetooth. USB to connect to a external HD and built in upsampling, too. It even will output digital to USB for connection to a DAC but not with upsampling.

Here's the skinny:

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and they still do make it, esoteric still uses updated versions of the VRDS transport I've got the esoteric P10 from the '90s and it's still outperforms most of the transports out there to this day and it's built like a tank.

You may want to look into Jay's-Audio CDT transports.  Very well made and reasonably priced (in my opinion) for what you get.  Pretty flexible outputs and sound great.  They have 2 units available, and both got terrific reviews.!  

Just wondering how would this compare to alternatives out there in that price range. Say $1,000 (plus / minus $500). Audiolab (6000, 7000, 9000 CDTs), Cambridge.... what else ?

Years of experience actually do not mean anything, it comes down to what you have heard and in how many different systems. If you don’t think CD transports make a difference come to my Listening Room in Northern NJ. We have around 6 different ones and about 6 different DACs to hear and play with. PLUS we have been repairing/upgrading/modifying gear for 25 plus years. Were are not Techs but electronic design engineers. We build and sell our own audio components. We are in the industry and try to help and show people what makes sound do what it does. We enjoy meeting new people. If you really think that a $16 transport sounds the same and will complete with an Audiomeca Mephisto II, please we would be more than happy to have a listen. We are all about learning new things and we are cheap also!