...submitted for your...

This popped up on my phone this AM...

Now, since this has been an 'off 'n on' topic of late, Mikes' MHO vid pretty much encapsulates the general ennui expressed over B&M shops fading away, the high and rising cost of 'our level of quality equipment', and all the reasons and rationales for the SOTA becoming 'out of reach' for all except the most dedicated 'philes.

And Yes, a run-on sentence that isn't my usual terse twaddle.

So be it; lets' have fun with this, please.

If extinction is to be our lot, we can afford to be noisy about it. ;)

Rant 'n rave, dear friends.




Nobody like listening to stutterers for example ... Especially me..


But Aristotle, Newton, Swedenborg the leonardo of the North, Darwin, Turing and Wittgenstein, They were all famous slow stutterers..

I think what matter is what is said... And this video is short and make sense ...


But you are right, and i understand you, i will not listen to Biden who is a stutterer too ...

Anyway i think that this guy is not Aristotle nor Biden, but he only say some of his life experience in audio that make us pause a minute...

And he is not a stutter, and gestures in speech is not distraction but ponctuation and illustration for me at least...

But you are right nobody like to watch a Tourette speaking...

But he is not Tourette perhaps of italian origin ?

Or perhaps a deaf sign language specialist pausing from his day job to think about sound and audio ?

Who knows?





*G*  I had an uncle that I swear suffered from Tourettes'..always cursing at everything and anything that either was in his way or was thought to be a pending roadblock of some sort....🙄  But Albert was a man of kind soul at his core, and loved my aunt Gerry (who I was named for, but since I debuted as an 'outie' (m) v. 'innie' (fm), some changes were made...).

Just occurred to me that someone deaf and mute that suffered from Tourettes' might appear as being struck periodically by an unseen local tornado....😬🤷‍♂️

When I got Mikes' vid it just occurred to me to post it as a weekend distraction, a source for amusement and less of target for arguments and ill will.

We're a fun group when given the chance to just engage in some light-hearted 'bench racing'..

What would or could the strangest collection of gear one can imagine?

You've gifted yourself with an amazing system (cost no object, size considerably matching (BIG);  what if you had to 'insert' it into a small, too small space?

...and Had to.... Now what?

...or any other conceivable (or not so) "...'philephobia that you could only blame your deity or fate upon....

@cleeds 1+ He is also talking about a different crowd. 

Live music will never change. Having that thrill at home is very important to a significant part of the population. Not as important as a TV to everyone else. Mid Fi has morphed into Theater Fi. But Hi Fi did not go anywhere. We are still here and our younger generations know what is possible and will follow suite. My son in law is already getting started with his system and building his own subwoofers. This is anecdotal but the increasing sales of records and turntables is not.  High end Hi Fi has never been a huge market but I do not think it is going anywhere. You do not need to buy "luxury Audio" to get SOTA performance. Modern tech is bringing higher levels of performance downstream. It is never going to be cheap. If it is important enough to you, you will be able to afford it. 

My dreamed system with no cost ceiling :



Hidzs dap as a fixed battery bank for musical files low cost the size of 2 stamps... 200 $ ( i dont want computer bank because of their high noise floor level )



Choueri dac BACCH filters ( near 10,000 $ i dont remember exact cost ) ( virtual room technology dac/filters for speakers or headphones)

Berning ZOTL technology tube amplifier Around 6,000 $

Headphone ( mine are the TOP AKG K340 ) 100 $ or under 200$ used..,



Even if i was way more loose on the budget i will no go for more...

This Audio system will be anyway among the best in the world nevermind the price ... Improved better one are possible but it become ridiculous passed an optimal threshold... Trade-off exist...

The three main components were designed by three physicists/ with 2 ( dr. Choueri and Dr. Gorike, dr. Berning is a physicist who worked for Us government if i remember) who are also acousticians ( not mere electronic engineers ) who revolutionize, Dac sound processing , and tube amplification and headphone listening ...


Luckily i already own the 2 of these low cost one product the Hidizs dap/bank and the AKG K340 headphone from 1978 considered the best hybrid ever design3ed and anyway the best headphone i ever listen to... The others are in trashbins... 😊


For sure the Hidizs dap/bank is not TOP products only a convenient good one... The three others products are among the best in the world in the S. Q./low price scale...

I'm sure that his ideas are heartfelt, but he doesn't say anything that hasn't been said by others many times before; and of course, he offers no solutions.

More to discover