Schiit Loki Max?

I'm considering buying the new Loki Max EQ for two reasons: 1) its capacity for remote function from the listening chair and 2) its reputed improved transparency (not the the Lokius I currently own isn't remarkably transparent). 

Has anyone tried one of these? ? ? 





I appreciate you taking the time to offer a more detailed explanation of timbre and for clarifying the distinction between pinpoint and broadband EQ. 


I have all three Loki. Lokies? The three band got relegated to the garage system pretty quickly. The Lokius is better but is now in the studio. The Max is a keeper - more bands yield a narrower Q, plus the memory and the ability to switch it in and out from "the seat." I haven't used it a lot because my purchase was looking toward modification of certain recordings, not speakers or the room. Were I to complain I would mention it gets warmer than I expected, give it clearance.

For ref my system is  Gato pre, Rose 150b, Marantz SACD, Michell and Pro-Ject TTs, Lounge Audio and Vincent TT pre, Perreaux R350, Martin Logan Expression 13a and various subs. Aside from the usual piano and female vocals I like nylon stringed guitar for comparisons.


Yes -- I can easily see the advantage of more, narrower, bands.  My system is much better balanced now than when I first initiated this thread, so it's no longer a pressing need but I will probably pick one up eventually. 

Anyone considered the Anthem STR preamp as an alternative? I have read it is more transparent, lower noise, no compression and many more room digital adjustments possible. Pondering between STR and Loki Max.

Stuart, when I say change the characteristic of the speaker, I mean when you adjust a frequency on the loki, it’s as if yoou change how the speakers is voiced. If you adjust the highest treble knob, you can make your speaker become bright. Your source music never seems to be altered. It is as if the Loki is built in the speakers. That is how good it is. Never thought I would be an EQ in my system. My Mac amp has a built in EQ but I never use it. It never sounds right. The Loki is MUCH better.