Triode Wire Labs or NRG Custom The Five for my 300b SET tube amp?

So currently, my Cayin HA-300 300b SET tube amp is powered by the Morrow Audio MAP3 power cable, which I think is quite a good cable with a smooth, neutral sound fairly wide soundstage and very nice vocals and detail. I listen mostly on my LCD-3 headphones and my DAC is the Chord Hugo TT2. I also have the Western Electric 300b and Sylvania 6SN7W metal base tubes on the HA-300.

What I'd like is a bit more dynamic punch and meat without sacrificing resolution and soundstage, as well as not going too warm or too cold.

So I'm looking at two power cables, the Triode Wire Plus Seven Plus or the NRG Custom The Five. Also, is there a good reason to go with the Ten Plus or The One since the 300b tube amp?


aren’t silver cables tend to be more on the cool side though? I wouldn’t want to loose the bit of warmth I have and sweetness of the 300b if the silver is too cool.

No. That’s a farce and the beauty of LavriCables. When silver cables are designed well, they’re glorious. They strike that magical balance of natural detail, warmth, and neutrality without ever sounding thin or harsh. They’re really the best of all worlds. I don’t know how they do it, but they just sound like music and I think other owners here will back me up on this. They’re a relatively unknown gem IMHO, but my bet is they’re gonna grow and their prices will probably go up.

I concur with Soix; my fear was that the LavriCables would be cool, lean, harsh, which are not qualities I enjoy at all, but this couldn't be further from the truth in my experience. 

You guys are a bad influence, I have the urge to explore deeper in to the Lavri range of products now 😂

Your shortlist is for two Cables cost approx' $420 and $500 for a 5' feet length.

I have not been demo'd or purchased many Branded and Assembled Cables.

I have been demo'd and purchased a variety of Wire Types used for Power Cables, and have rejected the ones that have produced a perception that a colouration is being produced that conceals attractions that are able to be presented.

My experiences to date has lead me to PC Triple C Wire as the go to wire used for a Power Cable.

Using this Wire Type has allowed for substantial amounts of detail / micro-details to be perceived as being present. The impact the Wire Type can have (for myself, does have), is that the desirable traits already enjoyed from a presentation will become more noticeable/attractive and will certainly be an experience wanted to be maintained.

I use on my Valve Phonostage and Valve DAC, a Cable produced by Nanotech and have terminated it with Pure Copper Connectors.

I have loaned this Cable out to others interested in PC Triple C, and following their Trials of different Cables, such as SAEC and Acoustic Revive, which have been DIY Terminated with Solid Copper Connectors. I have been informed Acoustic Revive Unshielded 2.5mm Power Cable has edged out other Cables.

The Acoustic Revive + Solid Copper Power Connectors can be Sourced for approx' 75% cheaper that your Shortlist Cables.

Having this Cable Type at hand, produced by oneself of having somebody to the final assembly, will also open up further option to investigate a Wire Type.

If the desire is to have the maintenance of detail / micro-detail that PC Triple C is capable of preserving and would like to add to the presentation a hint of Richness, a D.UC.C Wire used for a Power Cable will do this.

D.U.C.C Wire can be found in Cable produced by Mitsubishi (The Wires Manufacturer) or Acrolink.

Both PC Triple C and D.U.C.C is a Wire used by Branded Cable Manufacturers that produce terminated ready to use Power Cables. Their products can be found at a cost that can by far surpass the costs of the cables on your shortlist.

@kodak805 i talked to Pete and he said for my Tube amp, the Seven Plus would be better. So I bought that and will probably buy another cable to compare against. Although I just read Lavricables does not offer any return or trial policy =(