Can/Is AI Used To Post Threads on Audigon?

I don’t understand AI, but I have noticed an uptick in orphan threads from first time posters.  Some seem a bit out of place.  It is as if someone is testing the waters to see if AI can pass as a human forum member.  I’ll accept that such a suspicion might be off the mark.


We always wait for your astute observations on A. I. and the difference between human brain...In very few words for sure....

Especially after your powerful demonstration of your knowledge in psychology...

Then everybody will understand the reason behind your very well aimed sarcasm ... Congratulations!


Obviously afflicted with abandoned schoolhouse syndrome.


«Obviously hating anybody with glasses he punched me for good reason»--Groucho Marx 🤓

Check out this video at 31 minutes

“Watch this:

per above poster stuartk Thanks

I think this is the bottom line: It should be *required* that we know if a post or conversation is with an AI bot or genuine human.