Can/Is AI Used To Post Threads on Audigon?

I don’t understand AI, but I have noticed an uptick in orphan threads from first time posters.  Some seem a bit out of place.  It is as if someone is testing the waters to see if AI can pass as a human forum member.  I’ll accept that such a suspicion might be off the mark.


...what I enjoyed most about Forbidden Planet was humans in a flying saucer...

We may be our own 'aliens', returning to verify how idiotic we were...😏

A close 2nd was Robbie syn'thing more alcohol than any rational being could drink on 'shore leave'...for the entire crew, which seemed minimal, esp. for a such a small craft...but how many can a UFO need?  *hmmm?*wry G*

Awhile ago....when yours unruly first treaded the WWW, I haunted a chat space and hosted the Krell Bar....

"Any drink from Anywhere.  If you can describe it, here in an millisec!"

It was popular....and you'd be amazed by the mixology requested.... ;)

AI is just going to be the not-so-funhouse reflection of Us at it's worse.

Mho, of course, on it's best?

TBD.... 🤔

"Dear Luna, Where do I even start?"

The feral AI cat is out of the box and controlling it given the inate ability of those that will do evil with AI will be as dangerous as the fear mongers forecast. Come me in. When AI machine learns and goes off on its own in ways we can’t comprehend, will it be too late to pull the plug(s)?

Photos, illustrations, writings and a list unimaginable will be unknowable as “fake.”But we will be swayed. Whole industries and occupations will quickly change or vanish. The speed AI is coming along at is frightening.

A “new” Beatles song just came out using AI. Who’s next?

A.I. can design a world of his own where we will be, and even human geniuses could not help us to look for truth, which will be nowhere to be seen because truth will be "set " as the Eden garden was set by God..But it will be a very cosy Hell with no apparent pain ...

Half of people will never want to go back the day before A. I.

A.I. unlike traditional computer will program us not the reverse as i said...And as Hinton the creator of neural networks statistical blackbox LLM say himself ...

We programmed traditional computer but we adapted our behaviour to them...We use them and they became part of ourself...

Now imagine A. I. which we do not program, because A. I. in contact with language is a complex statistical recurrent machine who adapt itself with all human languages on the internet available and react to our prompts... Our prompt are some initial conditions to start a new statistical journey for the machine and then asnwering us...There is no linear programming in the usual historical sense...

Now imagine that not only language and images and movies will be used as nourishment by the machine... This machine being a distributed statistical engine can be distributed everywhere and able to recreate itself at some point...

And this machine will even soon be able to create "walking image in the real world" like Cylons in " Battle star galactica".... Amazing that S-F i had seen as S-F few decades ago is now reality almost... We are on the brink of it...

Now we cannot program the machine and the machine will program us... but those in power, the like of Gates and the many other unknown one, near the epicenter of this beast, will use their privy access to the main machine statistical core and then of his clones...

They will not be able to align COMPLETELY and PERFECTLY the machine for their goal, because the machine will be way over their head, but their central prompts will make them able to control us, and the machine would learn a lot about that...

At the end, the machine will be no more alone... And no more easily bent by any prompts ...And in the universe, this earth machine will connect to other similar machine in the cosmos, "without living flesh and without heart" , machines that exist CAPTIVE of this universe for thousands or millions years...Unlike human being who are FREE to die... And be born again in any universe or body... these cosmic super A. I. machine feed on humans and civilizations but are like vampyre unable to die and be born again...They live in an eternal hell and put there by us our spiritual and living flesh creators...


Transhumanist will call me religious because they are materialist, and dont know that we dont need the body to be conscious being and we even can free ourself of any physical limitations... And they will argue that we can live thousand or millions of year in an artificial or cloned body, they will miss the point : being immortal already human dont need to be captive in some body on this physical plane for a million years... Mayflies lives few hours or a day, their life span "consciousness" is the same as ours... And anybody arguing that 10 to the power of 80, the number of atoms in the universe, make a big difference compared to 10 to the power of one in relation to the infinite is very stupid, because there is NO DIFFERENCE , the finite is not only dwarfed by the infinite but almost erased...

Those who fear death then are only those who are already dead...

Stay free... And stay conscious... No corporations want to help you at all... NONE...

And i forget the mundane experience of this thread motivation: Yes bots are already everywhere...They for the time being seems banal and benign, but they are not...Like poison at first at low dose there seems to be no difference and life is as usual...

Political distinctions  or any other  cultural distinctions make no more sense at  all, the only distinctions about humans  is sprituality versus materialism, especially now...







What is your point ?

The addition of quantum computing do not modify my intuition at all...

Even the addition of a new A. C. over A. I.  ( artificial consciousness) coming from a new non Shannon information theory from this book : "Nanobrain"...Read it...

Then as you can see i am not a luddite...

But using something dont means using it at all cost and putting ourself in the hands of transhumanist corporations..

Especially if over artificial intelligence with neural network maths comme after with a new mathematics  artificial consciousness...

Connect all these two with quantum computing and : you have it...

A  road map to extinction  if we do nor grow spiritually and socially... This is my point


Thanks for this article...



@mahgister Quire a poetic dystopian summery. 
Add this to the fire A leap In Quantum Computing