Fathom subwoofers?

I have SVS SB3000 and REL T9/i subwoofers. I've been pleased with both, but I am wondering, what would be an upgrade? Any experiences, including Fathom, would be welcome. Thank you. 

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I would recommend a better REL. if these two subs are in the same system… then it would be preferable to have two identical subs… definitely REL.


For audio systems subwoofers should always be used in pairs… assuming you can afford it. They really extend the soundstage. While bass is mostly non directional… when running left and right… it does a lot to better define the bass instruments.

What do you feel is missing with your current low frequency setup?

How did you determine your subwoofer's positions?

1) Deeper, more visceral bass. 


2) At present, I'm confined by "domestic considerations" as to sub placement and size, as my system is located in a Living Room rather than a dedicated listening room. (The room is approximately 14 x 24, with two doorways, woone double-wide, and a staircase to the second floor.) The REL is located in a corner, along the same wall as a pair of Sonus Faber Maxima Amator. I was thinking that a higher-powered sub of similar size might make an impact. That and the Fathoms have built-in room correction software.