Does Anyone Use Pro Audio Speakers as their Main?

I'd guess most people here are using high quality domestic loudspeakers powered by some well regarded amplifier for their listening pleasure; but there must be some who have bravely ventured into the realm of active studio monitors in pursuit of greater sonic accuracy as promised by the likes of Genelec, Neumann, Yamaha, JBL, Mackie, Kali Audio ect.

It could be of interest to the rest of us if they are willing to share their experiences of how they found this transition into the world of Pro Audio.



Surely that can't be right for all pro audio speakers?

Some of these manufacturers pride themselves on having the flattest possible frequency response that would make many domestic designs look positively skewed.

Their opinions are usually backed up by plenty of data too.

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no ,, pro audio monitor too hazy  , too cloudy  and sometimes treble is high make bleeding ear   ,, i wish i have mini  h a  mer  to dest  oy all pro audio speaker


That's a good summing up of the many reasons why someone may well choose pro audio speakers.

Versality is certainly an important factor and pro speakers always tend to be far more versatile. This includes having more ways of adjusting the speaker to the room via built-in equalising controls/switches.

All mainly due to having an amplifier built-in.

This pro/domestic dichotomy has always appeared to be a little strange given that they are both seeking to do the same job, namely the accurate reproduction of the signal they are being fed.

So you'd think that the only significant difference would be the cosmetic appearances, but alas no.

Domestic loudspeakers rarely, if ever, claim to put accuracy first.

Pro-audio inc Tannoy monitors and Altec, RCA, Western Electric and JB Lansing theater horns and those can be superior to standard audiophile fair.