The communist party is an abomination but they succeeded in giving bread to all China and way more..
And anyway they are till in command because corporate narcissists, de-industrializing our countries, used them to buy cheap workers for all the goods they sell us...Then reinforced their power because they needed them..
They then succeed helping the communist party to keep power... Anyway with one billion peoples thirty years ago you need a miraculous boom to give bread to all.. They did it with corporate occidental investment...
Those who appeal to boycott of China are short sighted exactly as the boycott of Russia is uselees and worst counter -productive for us....
Anyway , because of the general propaganda so successful here as in China i will stop writing this post...
For now i care only about the psychpath idiot in my country...Not about chinese phone labour or cost... China is more advanced country in Shangai than in quebec and most city of America... Medecine and engineering with 10 times more engineers or doctors grow...
Here in my country we destruct family and education and health, and Trudeau borrowed Chinese control method... I must close my mouth here...
The life span of people here regress , In US and Canada in the opposite he increase in other nations.., Guess why with the most adanced medecine based drug system in the world ?
i spoke too much... 😁
It’s already a daunting thought that I don’t know the exact conditions under which this phone I’m typing on was created.
Should I even care?