What does it take to be a die hard Beatles fan?

I am the first to admit that I am a Beatles fan. And might even say that I am die hard. A recent film and recent album has me questioning the latter.

Peter Jackson's film "Get Back" and the 2022 "de-mixed" release of "Revolver" were both somewhat over the top for even a long time Beatles fan.

I had difficulty getting through both the film and the album.

Yes, it was pretty cool to get an inside look at the prep for the famous rooftop concert. But it became tedious to listen to all the "bla bla" in the studio and the endless fiddling of non Beatles songs.

Not to mention all that time "practicing" in the studio to come up with 3 or 4 songs.

And it was cool to hear the de-mixed versions of Revolver material, but 63 tracks with much relatively meaningless stuff took me 2 days to get through. 

I certainly can appreciate the attraction to the behind the scenes things.

But neither the film or the album gave me much insight into who these guys are were/are.

The film was especially disappointing.




One night in the early 70’s I walked down to the Berkeley Tower Records and bought one each of all of the stocked Beatle albums.  I still have them, but haven’t really listened to them in decades.  I’ll have to pull a few and give them a listen.

A while back I invited my 18-year-old grandson over to listen to music.

Right off he said: “I don’t get The Beatles.”

i was visibly shaken, and it took a few moments to recover and remind myself that I love my grandson more than I love the Beatles.

Guess that makes me a die hard Beatles fan?

fyi- 60 minutes later he “got” The Beatles.

... to believe Sgt. Pepper’s was their best album?

I get that it was groundbreaking at the time -- I loved it when it first came out (I was eleven years old) -- but in terms of songwriting craft, a majority of the tunes are mere ditties dressed up in psychedelic regalia, hardly examples of their writing at its best. However, this doesn’t seem to matter to its legions of admirers. By this rubric, therefore, I’m far from a die-hard fan.

At this point, the White Album is the one I still list to the most, followed by Abbey Rd and Revolver.   

I've probably mentioned this a couple times on this website, but when I refused to agree that Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band was not only the Beatles' finest album but the finest piece of music of all time, all my high school friends unceremoniously dumped me.