KEF owners, how are your speakers positioned?

I have Reference 5’s, the fronts are  4’ from the front wall, aimed straight out, 8’ apart and 8’ from my listening position.  I was curious how other KEF owners had their speakers pointed, straight forward or toed in and if so, how much?  How did toeing them in change the sound?

I called KEF and they recommended them to sit straight forward, but I have seen them toed in, per reviews of both amplifiers that were using them and the speakers themselves.

Thanks All.


Happy to help, at the time I didn't have any room treatment so I'd be curious of how it would sound now and what setup is ideal. Compared to my Focals, KEF was definitely less picky to toe.

The R107/2 and R105/3 were about 12-16 " in from yhe corners, the

blades have a full 3' ofd space around each of them, about 8' apart and listening seat from 8-11' away. A little toe in but I can still see the inside drivers.

Thanks @steve59 

It seems the group agrees that a few degrees of toe-on sounds better. My 5’s are set about the same as yours, but I might have a few more degrees of toe-in.  I’m doing it by ear, so I haven’t measured anything yet.

I have ls50 metas positioned pretty much like the manual instructs. Go figure! Very nicely positioned and ready for a pennant run.

I don't notice a change in imaging as much as tonal balance, If I point the speakers directly at me the upper mids are too prominent. All my uniq speakers responded like that although the Blades are much smoother than previous versions.