Dreamin' of streamin'

I am hoping to tap into your experience and knowledge as veteran streamers. I am currently streaming from a stock Acer laptop through a Schiit Modi 3 DAC, into an Arcam 850 and out through Wharfedale Linton Heritage Anniversary speakers. It seems that the laptop could be replaced with a dedicated streamer, enhancing the listening experience.

I have about 5,000 albums that I access with Itunes on the laptop. I also currently listen to Sirius XM, Amazon Music, some music podcasts, and some small town radio stations that I cannot find on TuneIn Radio. I am planning to subscribe to Qobuz, not initially as a replacement, but as a supplement to these sources.

I tried a Rose 250A, but was unable to access podcasts, Sirius, Amazon,and several radio stations.

Does a box exist that will access all these sources? Dream solution would display album art for song currently playing, at least for albums on hard drive.

If I need to stay with a computer, is there a better computer/soundcard for listening?

As a secondary query, do you have suggestions for a music player (with the ability to create playlists) to replace Itunes?

Thank you again


I get absolutely lovely fidelity of timbre...though perhaps not the finest 3D imaging I've had...via a phone company hardwired ethernet connection from my wall to a Cambridge CXN streamer/DAC controlled by my laptop. My internet sources are usually Qobuz for general listening and Idagio for classical. The system provides serious competition for my vinyl (yeah, the vinyl can deliver more 3D), and more often than not gives me better fidelity than I get from my Sony CD/SACD player. In other words, I'm a streamin' fool. Let the world rush in!

Before moving to a streamer and Qobuz, I was using Tidal and iTunes on a MacBook Pro.

It was suggested I use a Halide Bridge USB SPIDF converter. Second hand, very reasonable. A decent improvement.

I streamed for years using a MacBook Air laptop with Audirvana Plus.  . Dedicated streamers work better, but for the sake of argument, a streamer is just a computer that is made to look like an audio component, and has a limited OS.  CD players also fit that description.

  Why are you moving from a PC to a streamer?  Sound?  Ease of convenience?  The answers to that question will help guide recommendations, along with the budget.

  One issue will be the 5K albums you referenced.  Are they stored on a separate HD?  Are they in mp3 or the Apple equivalent?  

Thanks for your input. I am quite ignorant in this area.I would like to stay under $3K for budget, but could go a little higher. Don’t want to add a second box in addition to the pc, but I see that maybe a streamer with an SSD controlled through an Ipad is one method I may need to consider.

Mapman, I am unaware of the relationship between streaming video and music. Could you tell me more about it? I currently use an AppleTV box for streaming tv. I will check into Plex. I have never heard of it.

Edcyn, I am considering the Cambridge CXN V2, but don’t see how to access my hard drive from the streamer. Want to try Qobuz before committing to Roon. Does Roon access the albums on my hard drive?

Jerrybj, What streamer do you use? How does it compare with the Macbook - Halide combo?

Thanks again.