New DACs High End Munich 2023

I am now searching for a new DAC to replace my Oppo UDP-205 and High End Munich 2023 was the event I was waiting for to hear about new announcements.

I know that Auralic and Total DAC have introduced new DACs and Primare has new modules. Anyone hear any other DACs being released in the next 2-3 months?


Milpai, I have a Terminator Plus.  There was a firmware update at the beginning of June.  I was using I2S from a Denafrips Iris DDC because it sounded better than USB.  After the update I2S now sounds very flat but the USB is much improved. And the Iris in not plug and play now, I have to reset the pin out configuration to change between PCM and DSD.

I also bought a used Lampizator Golden Gate recently.  It has a DHT tube output.  I run it thru an Allnic DHT pre-amp, its not too much tubes.  

As much as the TP improved after the update, the Lampizator is more musical.  The leading edges hit with slam and meat on the bones the TP lacks.

FWIW I had a Yggdrassil and W4S DAC2DSD v2.2 SE, neither were as good as the Terminator I had before the TP.

Good to know @jayctoy . Thanks!


@anzaanimalclinic , Thank You for the feedback on the Terminator Plus and the configs that you use. Very interesting, that the I2S now sounds flat compared to the USB. I have generally heard that I2S sounds better. Anyway, in my case, it would be USB.


FYI. Steve Huff is now declaring the new Weiss beats the T+A.

You might want to check it out before spending considerably more on the T+A.

I've had an Aqua La Voce for about 10 years, with no compelling reason to replace it. I don't understand why it doesn't garner more attention, here but I digress.

S.Huff has a video up re: the new Weiss

I wish you good luck in your search



Are you talking about the video review he did? Where does he mention that? People have asked him about it in the comments section. But he has not responded.

I had listened to Senheiser HD 800s headphone using Starkrimson Pecanpi+.

HD 800s is not easy headphone to drive due to high impedance.

But I could enjoy Jennifer Warnes "Rock me gently" which give plenty of bass.

After warming it up more than 48 hours, Pecanpi+ sounds more refined which exceeds my expectation.

I have yet to test its streaming function.

But as just standalone Dac and pre, it may be worth more than its humble price.of 900$

I plan to start "Best value Dac made in US" thread after further listening.