Quick Question About Power Cables

Hi All,

I recently bought a Bryston BDP 3 streamer/renderer and love how refined and relaxed it sounds. I would like it more if the bass was a bit more controlled and had a little more impact. A friend and Audiogon member suggested I try an Audio Sensability Statement Power Cable. He bought one for his tube DAC and said the bass got tighter an offered better slam. Anyway, for those who are PC savy, what are your thoughts on the matter? Thanks!


@soix I believe your looking at the 2805's, a different model. The 2905 specs are; 32Hz - 21KHz (-6dB)  28Hz - 21KHz (useable)

@soix @riie Anyway, the lower frequencies are there. I'm wanting to bring more clarity and control to the lower frequencies.

They are towed in perfectly for now but I'll be moving soon, so the room dimensions will change and I'll address that when it comes.

Audiophile 101:


Try several possibilities in your system.

 Keep what you like.  Return what you didn’t..

+1 Waytoomuch.

I auditioned cables from 3 dealers who offered a return policy.

@jeffreyw I see preowned Hurricane PC's in abundance so maybe. It does mean that I'm going to have to put in extra work days, which at my age, is somewhat strenuous but  not out of the question. Thanks for the input.