Can a system sound too Holographic?

Hi friends :)

So I got a question for those interested. For me, having a 2 channel system with a Holographic soundstage is very desirable.

I bring this up because I had lent some Centerstage 2 footers ( isolation devices) to a friend to try out. To make a long story short, he likes what they are doing under his Lumin T3, however he mentioned that it might be "Too Holographic". I don't know about you guys and gals, but that wouldn't really be a problem for me. Your thoughts or experiences please. Anyone experience a soundstage that was too Holographic?


@roxy54 I think we agree on what holographic means.  I was trying to describe what you described....but my speculation on what "too holographic" means may be totally wrong.

That would depend on individual tastes, but I could see how the 'holography' of the sound could distract from the music itself....


Understood. I also agree with @ghdprentice that while that type of holography is interesting, it's not something that's important to me. I care more about timbre and dynamics. Other things are secondary..

«My friend goes with my girl but he returned her back because she was too orgasmic » -- Groucho Marx uncensored 🤓