Am I defective?

I took organ lessons in the late 50s on my Dad’s Hammond C3 with Leslie. Got as far as a rudimentary version of William Tell Overture.

I have been watching music reviews on YouTube. Doing the reviews are regular folks, vocal coaches, musicians, professionals, etc.

Artists reviewed are Phil Collins, Disturbed, Zep, many drummers and guitar players, etc.

Many of the reviewers are moved to tears. I swear at least one female reviewer is close to orgasm.

While I appreciate the music it does not affect me any way near to how the reviewers are affected.

Is it me?




Music reviews are subjective. One person’s trash is another person’s treasure.  
In my experience, is the only place where consistently well-written and extremely well-researched reviews exist. I’m aware there are other sources for excellent music reviews, but is the only place I’ve found where a person can rely on a consistent daily source.  
Even then, it’s just entertainment.

I still disagree with well over half of what they say, it’s just exceptionally well-written and well-researched (as far as popular music reviews go).  
It’s just light entertainment, a slightly more intelligent thing than, say, “reality TV,” or People magazine.

YouTube, social media…I would never, ever look for music reviews there.

It took me many years to “get” jazz, and to “get” Fellini.  
Now, I think the music of jazz (at least the stuff from the late-‘40s to the mid-‘70s, with a few stragglers on either side) and the cinema of Fellini are two of the greatest things human beings ever did. 

There’s nothing wrong with not liking something.

It's not you.  Remember,  the YouTubers get paid by their views and subscribers.  The bigger "act" they put on, their "over the top" actions so to say, gets "clicks" and "upvotes" -- all which earn them more money.


Some reviewers are truly moved and earnest in their feelings and reactions.  Most are pure horseshiite -- pardon my cynicism in my old age.

Well, I have decided I am not totally defective. Disturbed’s version of Sound Of Silence does give me goose bumps especially when watching the B&W video. While I have always loved the S&G version it took Disturbed to show me the words are angry and should be sung that way.

My wife had a friend who was an opera singer.  She came for a visit & we ask her to sing. She went to the far corner of our living room & cut loose with a voice that brought tears to my eyes. It was unlike anything I've ever experienced.

It certainly is you. Madame Butterfly La Boheme and a number of other operas often move me to tears.