Music reviews are subjective. One person’s trash is another person’s treasure.
In my experience, is the only place where consistently well-written and extremely well-researched reviews exist. I’m aware there are other sources for excellent music reviews, but is the only place I’ve found where a person can rely on a consistent daily source.
Even then, it’s just entertainment.
I still disagree with well over half of what they say, it’s just exceptionally well-written and well-researched (as far as popular music reviews go).
It’s just light entertainment, a slightly more intelligent thing than, say, “reality TV,” or People magazine.
YouTube, social media…I would never, ever look for music reviews there.
It took me many years to “get” jazz, and to “get” Fellini.
Now, I think the music of jazz (at least the stuff from the late-‘40s to the mid-‘70s, with a few stragglers on either side) and the cinema of Fellini are two of the greatest things human beings ever did.
There’s nothing wrong with not liking something.