Sony X55-ES CD player... thoughts?

Hey guys - I just picked one of these up on the cheap (1$). Hooked it up, sounded almost as good as my Arcam Alpha 7 CD, with stronger bass, but weaker sounding mids. Does anyone know anything about this CD player? It is very, very heavy...


I had a Sony TAN80ES amp for a few years too - there was nothing written about it either but it was a solid amplifier that performed well, IMHO. I think some people just assume all Sony gear to be crap but it isn't necessarily always the case. They may not be top of the league tables but they make some good products.
There is indeed not much to find on this player. As a former owner of a X559ES I can vouch for the quality of these older cd players. Also no problem with cd-r's.
The only problem is that it is hard to find replacement parts, so if it fails, it's probably the end. But for your enormous investment (although you could buy a bank these days for that kind of money) it's a great buy.
Ha, $1 can buy a major financial institution these days... This CD player is currently only being used in my bedroom system and once it dies, I'll go back to my - free - Nakamich OMS-1 (with missing powerbutton). The display is really amazing though! So many options to play with...
Is it an x555 es or just the x55. If it is an x555, i owned one for a long time. it dates to 1991, and was sony second from top of the line back then. very solid player and sounds pretty good. It does not compare to my Naim player but it was excellent value for money.
I would hope the Naim would be incomparable! It is the X55es (not the 555 or X55). I could not find any info real info on the internet, other than the fact that it has a heavy copper chassis.