Should I pursue analog? Invest maybe 3 or 4 grand in a table and start buying records? Some stuff sounds really good on Vinyl but it's an expensive endeavor and NEW records aren't cheap. Plus thos pops and noise and a lot of setup required. Love the vintage aspect of it. Some records sound truly amazing on a really good table and cartridge. Take the plunge? Or buy a better DAC and dont look back!!! Lol. 
The $28 were for 4 VG+ condition Ramsey Lewis ARGOs.  The free records are a mix of classical, pop and country.  Virtually no jazz or classic rock.  However, the condition of 75% of the 155 LPs were in excellent or mint condition.  I chose some rare 50s classical and pop in VG+ condition with only 8 clunkers.  That's a fantastic ratio for free LPs.  Hey, don't go there and leave more good LPs for me.  P.S. Some genres of music on LPs have very low market value such as opera.  Difficult to give away.  The store has a very good selection of mostly pop, rock and jazz at very reasonable prices.  I'm not about to wreck a Benz Ruby 3 $3000 cartridge on dreck condition LPs.

@inorganic For me, there's more to playing records than the music. I happen to enjoy the inconvenience of having to store, clean, and cue an LP. Lots of cartridge, tables and tonearm offerings to drool over. I love the plethora of accessories available.

I really enjoy hooking my system up to a digitizer and evaluating table and cartridge response with a scope and RTA. I have an extreme technical background. I enjoy messing with the cartridge alignment to see how the system responds. I replace caps on every piece of used gear I get. I use REW to get my system and room optimized. I use traps for room resonance control. And guess what...I rally have improved my system. Not just the numbers, but the sound.

I listen to digital also, but I am quickly bored. There's nothing to get my hands on!

Doing "analog" keeps my mind engaged. And challenged. And my pocketbook empty!

This is the opinion from way out on the fringe.

VPI has a 2nd pivot addition for the tonearm that stabilizes it and makes it sound better. Very inexpensive and easy to do