Sony X55-ES CD player... thoughts?

Hey guys - I just picked one of these up on the cheap (1$). Hooked it up, sounded almost as good as my Arcam Alpha 7 CD, with stronger bass, but weaker sounding mids. Does anyone know anything about this CD player? It is very, very heavy...


XA5400ES, perhaps?

(N.B.: It is likely an error in the Sony information that described it as a changer.)

The X77ES has the same drive like the legendary R1 or R3, full metal basis, a very precise reader. Also with an excellent DA with even balanced output. Alos there is an option for optical and SDPIF output.

The new 5400ES, its brand new dech, I don't know the sound, but if it has the same DAC like my DVP-NS9100ES what I tested against the X77 at my home, I can tell you the 5400ES won't have a chance.


As Dan Modwright if there is modification for this unit.
You will be surprise,How good this unit will sound.I have
my 9000es modified,never look back.
after thinking about it, this is the player i had. it was solid and sounded very good for the money. i think i paid 700 for it new back in 91. the transport started to go, so i gave it to a friend in colorado.