concrete (cinder) block tower with wood chopping block for turntable stand

Any suggestions from users who have done, or contemplate doing this. I looked at concrete blocks at Lowes last night. I made two stacks of 3 side by side, plus a solid block (without the center openings) as the top block. This gave me about 34" in height. Then the thought is either a Walnut or Bamboo chopping board for a top shelf. I would use four cork or cork/rubber sandwich (2"X 2") squares to couple the wood chopping block to the concrete tower. I am also considering an Isoacoustics platform as a more expensive alternative. Fire away....?


Necessity is the mother of invention! I'd do the same! Mass is your friend for turntable isolation.

Your blocks may need careful attention to sit flat wtihout rocking.  You can use shims or swap blocks around to eliminate motion.  If you want to go first class buy a $5 bag of morter and use a very thin layer of morter between each set.

You ca also set the butecher block in mortar.


If you ever want to move it maybe thin sheets of rubber in between the blocks would be a wiser choice than mortor.