
Few people choose to use professional monitors and associated equipment for home hi fi. The reasons have been well debated before.

BUT  Is it possible that upgrading an audiophile system relentlessly including such things as silver wiring can drive towards the slightly uncomfortable (in the home) monitor sound?


But off the top of my head ATC and PMC make speakers used for monitoring that are in many home systems. As a matter of fact the last speakers Gordon Holt, the founder of Stereophile paid for himself were active ATC 50A monitors and he considered them one of the few speakers that were truely accurate and Gordon along with Steve Stone had recorded many live concerts of the Boulder Symphony Orchestra so he had a real reference.

To this day I kick myself for not buying a pair of EV century 100A’s. Yes the were near field monitors. But In my cramped childhood bedroom they would have been perfect. Over thirty years ago 

A very weird question...trying to think of some analogy...uh...what if you kept buying faster cars until you exploded into space? Nicer houses until you owned the entire country of the way, regarding reference sound, I was recently at a ballet in Boston with whatever orchestra that is (Boston Ballet Orchestra?) and we were in the second row center with an empty seat in front of us. The musicians were in my face sort of, and I realized that based on the fact that every instrument is its own sound source in its own spot with complicated phase relationships with every other instrument and pit reflections (!) etc. before the sound hit my earballs...I was again struck my the fact that NO speaker system or any rig however precious can ever accurately recreate that sound. I listen to classical stuff in my fabulous (I even have one silver cable!) system and enjoy every minute, but man...the real thing is amazingly unique.


listen to classical stuff in my fabulous (I even have one silver cable!) system and enjoy every minute, but man...the real thing is amazingly unique.

