A previous discussion included a statement about crossover components.

The commentator stated something to the effect that some very high end speakers really cheaped out on the capacitors and resistors in their crossovers, and hinted that replacing them with high quality components might improve the sound quality of the speakers. My question is "Have you ever replaced the caps and resistors in your speakers crossovers, and to your ears did that result in better sound quality?" Also, what brands of caps and resistors do you consider to be "the best", and why?


Here is a photo of the crossover components on a $83K/pr speaker.


Here is a pair of crossovers I made for my speakers:


As you can see I use a lot of Mundorf caps (I read with interest Erik’s comments).  I also added a couple of Duelund bypass caps.   I also use Jantzen foil inductors and path resistors.

The sound is clearer, cleaner, and more accurate.


@carlsbad2  So, your first picture demonstrates the parts for a very (to me) expensive speakers, and the second picture is crossovers for a set of your speakers, not replacements for the high dollar speakers?

Correct. I don’t own an $80+ pair of speakers. My speakers are $8k and I spent $2k upgrading the crossovers.


Like several others in this forum, following Don Sachs's lead, I replaced the el cheapo caps in my Cornwall IV with V-cap ODAM, and the resistors with Path Audio. Big improvement in sound quality, but at a pretty big expense.

My Coincident Total Eclipse II speakers have one tweeter capacitor (Very simple 1st order crossover). There are no resistors. The stock capacitor is Solens. The sound quality in stock form is very, ,very good.

Replacing the respectable Solens capacitor with the Duelund CAST copper foil capacitor was an undeniable sonic upgrade across the entire spectrum. It is one of the most rewarding and cost effective modifications I've experienced. An expensive capacitor that was more than worth every penny paid. High quality crossover capacitors definitely make a positive impact.
