I am interested to update my 15 year old system !

Hi everyone,    I have recently started following these discussions and find them very helpful.  Thanks to everyone who contributes !

I built my audio system about 15 years ago, and moved overseas in 2013.  I packed my system in boxes and put it into a climate controlled storage facility.  I expected to be overseas for 2-3 years, but ended up being away for 9 years !  I came back last year, and having been using my system now for a year, I have decided to make some changes.  I am in serious need and would appreciate very much some advice and input.   It seems now after 10 years, there are far fewer audiophile "stores" to visit for advice, and of course things have changed a lot !

My Old System:

I was only into digital at the time, and of course quality streaming was in its infancy.  So what I did was record about 1,000 CD's onto a dedicated Macbook, and sourced the music from there.   Music was stored in Apple lossless format (full CD resolution) and I could bypass the Mac sound card  directly to a DAC (which you could not do at the time on a pc).   I played the digital stream through:

Musical Fidelity X-Dac v8,   into

Levinson 383 integrated amp, into

Sonus Faber Grand Piano Home floorstanding speakers

Speaker cables were Transparent Music Wave Super

Everything was powered by a PS Audio original Powerplant

Current situation:

The PS Audio unit did not work when I set up the system.  Apparently the capacitors dried out.  PS Audio said they could not get the exact replacement parts and would not fix it.  I tried to get it fixed locally with charts and schematics from PS Audio.  The local electronics service place I went to could not get it working.  I threw it out.   I am now powering from a wall outlet !      I need to get something, and would prefer a power regenerator, to a conditioner - but I am extremely upset with the lack of service from PS Audio and dont feel good about buying from them again.   I have seen many, many complaints about this and PS Audio lack of service.  Suggestions welcome.

I purchased a Blue Node streamer, and using Qobuz, greatly simplifying my streaming.

My DAC - its more than 10 years old but the shop where I bought the Blue Node said to keep it as the tech has not necessarily improved greatly.  I dont know if this is an accurate statement, but I always did like the DAC and still do.  Dont feel a need now to change it, but interested in any views on this.

The Levinson - still runs great.  If I change it, it will be the last thing to change.

I am planning to also go analog and thinking to buy a Planar 3, using either a Planar phono stage, or maybe a tube preamp (Vince 701?).   Any thoughts on TT and phono stage ?   

Speakers - still sound good, but thinking to change as I have been intrigued by Zu Soul speakers.  Not sure about this.

Speaker cables - a friend told me to change out of the Transparents no matter what I do.  Is there some negative view on these in the market now ?

Current Objective:

I listen to alot of vocalists like Sinatra, Krall, etc. and also jazz, blues, etc.   I am not looking for high volume.  In fact, I feel my Sonus Fabers sound fabulous at higher volume, but at lower volume do not sound as good.  When I say low volume - I dont necessarily mean background music, but not so loud that you cant speak to someone else in the room !

There is alot here and I do not expect anyone to answer all questions !   If you have a view on just the speakers, or on the turntable phono stage - just your views on any one item would be very welcome !  Hopefully, I will get some input on everything - but it doesnt all have to be from one person !

Many thanks in advance to everyone for reading this far down !




Thank you again.   The latest 2 contributions were very valuable.   I loved the Audio note speakers I tested.  And I have heard some mixed comments about Harbeth - but there are certainly people out there who love them. 

I will also look into trying a different set of cables to see if they make they improvement I am looking for at low volume.  

any cable suggestions for running a Levinson integrated into Sonus Faber Home speakers.   

thank you !!!


If you review the whole list of responses, you realize the responses shifted from TT advice to ’don’t do it’, stream instead. Good advice about streaming I suppose, I don’t stream.

I still advise at some time you get a decent ’starter’ vinyl system, and see if you like Vinyl. If not, put it in a second system or sell it, or if you start with the AT120 recommendation, not much money lost, give it to a friend.

Finding used LP’s in shops or eBay in decent shape is not that hard, and buying ’very good’ on Discogs is fairly inexpensive. I find what I am looking for, sort by ’condition’, then check the total delivered.

Best of Stan Getz, Near Mint: scroll down, $12.00 delivered


eBay, $9.50 delivered


Stan and Gerry Mulligan, $8. delivered


Point is, a simple start to find out about vinyl, and if you will stick with it does NOT have to be a confusing difficult mess, or cost much.

My original advice: don't jump in the deep end to start.


Digital audio has sonically grown rapidly in the last few years, do upgrading would be advisable.  I’m confused about your budget, you’re considering a Rega P3 - is this your budget limit?  The MoFi Ultradeck at $3k includes an excellent Master Tracker cartridge- plenty of positive reviews. Too many options to suggest without a budget.

Starting from scratch can be daunting.  Took me 7yrs of research before putting together my first analog+digital chain.

Generally speaking, floorstander speakers usually have more bass extension, is thus important to you?

Also, Audio Note speakers are usually very efficient speakers and are usually paired with very low flea watt amps.  Does this matter to you?  For flea watt speakers, the Volti Razz is a great choice. 

I am also a cyclist. Love my audio though. Bikes have gotten expensive. I do not have anything to add to help you except be careful with speakers like mentioned earlier in the discussion. I had my refence pair completely refurbished and it changed the sound of them completely! Now I need different amps and preamps. Go figure. They were over 20 years old. Now they sound new again. 

Thank you OP for the positive comments on Vinyl !   I will get there but cant do everything at once.   I agree with you that there are many options out there to purchase reasonable priced vinyl !