Did Amir Change Your Mind About Anything?

It’s easy to make snide remarks like “yes- I do the opposite of what he says.”  And in some respects I agree, but if you do that, this is just going to be taken down. So I’m asking a serious question. Has ASR actually changed your opinion on anything?  For me, I would say 2 things. I am a conservatory-trained musician and I do trust my ears. But ASR has reminded me to double check my opinions on a piece of gear to make sure I’m not imagining improvements. Not to get into double blind testing, but just to keep in mind that the brain can be fooled and make doubly sure that I’m hearing what I think I’m hearing. The second is power conditioning. I went from an expensive box back to my wiremold and I really don’t think I can hear a difference. I think that now that I understand the engineering behind AC use in an audio component, I am not convinced that power conditioning affects the component output. I think. 
So please resist the urge to pile on. I think this could be a worthwhile discussion if that’s possible anymore. I hope it is. 


Jjss49-ah, you are a gullable sheep that doesn’t use your ears nor your brain, no wonder you like ASR and the clown in the WH.

I’ve only watched snippets of ASR because he’s hard to watch. I watched the video where he went after GR Research which he looked like a fool, the other times, he wanted to promote a cheap product and wanted to degrade a more expensive product. In all audio equipment, there are a few measurements that I look at before I buy to see if they would be a synergy fit with my other gear, I would never use measurements to try to determine what a piece would sound like because you can’t. Nobody can tell me what is the difference in sound quality if 1 product has .005 distortion compared to 1 that has .0005? Tube gear measures much worse the SS gear but prefer the sound of tubes.

The only measurement I need to determine if I like the sound is what my ear tells me

Amir's reviews did influence one or two of my purchasing decisions.  Had I not read them, I might have focused on other components based on a few glowing, but mostly subjective opinions, or on what was available in a local HiFi shop. ASR alerted me to alternatives that (a) were less expensive, and (b) tested better.  Example 1: I bought the Matrix Audio Element X (streamer/DAC) instead of the more expensive PS Audio Direct Stream DAC.  Example 2:  I bought the Benchmark AHB2 instead of a locally-available power amp.  Both the Element X and the AHB2 were sold with generous return policies, so I did get a chance to review features and "trust my ears" before making a final commitment.  In any case, it wouldn't have been very practical (esp. since I live in a rural area)  to personally compare dozens of alternatives, trusting only my ears, rather than winnowing down the choices by reading product reviews and test results. ASR isn't the only source I considered. I read product reviews and owner comments.  Many of them seemed to be mutually reinforcing enough to make a try-out worthwhile.  Before committing to the Element X, I did order one other DAC/streamer, which I returned.  

You are right...


The two attitude are useful, they are meaningless when they argue against the other( by psycho-acoustic principle number one)...

If we accept that the quality of our music reproduction equipment cannot be MEASURED, then we simply declared it ART or TASTE. 

The beauty is (and feeding our hobby), that is it now is totally subjective, since TASTE is the DEFINITION OF SUBJECTIVE. Therefore, I hereby declare that my $400 Onky with my speakers and my $100 CD player is the BEST SYSTEM IN THE WORLD irrespective of price. 

Now if ONE person here questions that, he/she does NOT get the point of what 'taste' is. It is SOLELEY 'in the eye of the beholder'. Even if you may argue that there thousands who disagree, I am stil right. Subjective is Beautiful.


The "quality of our music reproduction equipment" can be effectively measured and evaluate in small room varying acoustic conditions...The gear dont manifest his quality directly to our brain bypassing the relations of the drivers speakers/room/ears...Then "taste" is then as you just say a meaningless subjective revendication as in a children case saying to his mother, i dont like pea soup but only chicken soup...Children must learn how to eat and why and must learn to use their taste..


Taste is a subjective right with no meaning outside ourself...Claiming it valid is simply refusing to learn about our own limitations and to learn how to listen...

Crocodile taste and love only rotten meat...Mankind may and must learn cooking and the art of listening ...

You probably dont even know how is the real potential S.Q. or defects of your system because they are not experienced in an optimally dedicated acoustic room conditions...Then our "taste" is a passive seating position, an abdication ... Some solve it by upgrades, but purchasing is most of the time also a passive attitude...It is the reason why some people to cure frustrations own tons of audio materials....I know because i purchase 10 headphones before learning the lesson...

Taste must be educated, we are not crocodile...We must go active with simple listening experiments to learn about concept as reberberation time, timbre, dynamic, transients, immersiveness , sound sources differentiation and dimensions and many other concepts in experimenting with them ....

In psycho-acoustic it is a principle to vary measures, electronical one or mechanical or acoustical one, to experience specific changes and their meaning correlation in relation to our biases and taste...

My acoustic room for example was optimal for me, it cannot be for everyone...Because my head diameter and my ears geometry, and my gear and speakers and acoustic content in my room differ from yours, it isnot my taste the explanation here but acoustic ... acoustician dont create small room acoustic or great Hall acoustic with their "taste" but with their experiences... What other reason?

Because small room acoustic of audiophile  dont use time and timing waves or reflected waves and reverberation in the same way as in a great Hall and the gear and room must be adapted to one another for specific ears, and a great Hall is designed for a seating crowd...


Subjective is the origin, objective is a conquest...What is really beautiful is being able to relate consciously  the two sides of the journey ...


If we accept that the quality of our music reproduction equipment cannot be MEASURED, then we simply declared it ART or TASTE.

The beauty is (and feeding our hobby), that is it now is totally subjective, since TASTE is the DEFINITION OF SUBJECTIVE. Therefore, I hereby declare that my $400 Onky with my speakers and my $100 CD player is the BEST SYSTEM IN THE WORLD irrespective of price.

Now if ONE person here questions that, he/she does NOT get the point of what ’taste’ is. It is SOLELEY ’in the eye of the beholder’. Even if you may argue that there thousands who disagree, I am stil right. Subjective is Beautiful.