Vacuum tube amplified headphones... an item that personally I've no real interest in, nor am I in any way linked to or have any potential to make any financial gain upon....nor do I know any of those involved with them....

But, in the interest of those would might find such an item of interest:

Kickstart This...

When a pair hits your pate, let me know if it's a hit *ow*...or a miss *(f/m voice) "What?..."*

I get notifications on K/S projects, and this is the 1st one I've seen of this nature.
If I see anything of an 'phile nature, I'll post it 'for your consideration'...just because. ;)

Have a great weekend, J


What?!? Why not just get a tube headphone amp? Or get one of those rinky-dink "tube buffers" if you think having a tube in the signal path will do something magical.

@o_holter , I had to drill around to see what you meant as to the devices problem.....

Different animal, go nose around my 'Kickstart' link....a 'tube on a chip' amp in the phones' cavities themselves.  The drivers themselves are mentioned I believe...

The 'phones are 'still  pending', but it's states when they should be arriving to those who've bought into the funding when the process ends.

Then the real work begins; moving from prototype(s) to the saleable objects..

Thought it would be of interest to some, catcalls and bronx cheers from others....

Kinda the typical with things audio, but with a twist:

- You get to try something potentially new (perhaps).

-  Maybe get to make your thoughts and suggestions make for a better product, if the creators ask for feedback.

- Even if the previous isn't asked for, you've laid your bucks down and you ought to be able to kvetch about ii, or toss a 'hooray' their way.... *L*

...given a recent topic on component break-in, be it speakers or device, you get to weigh in on that....5 minutes?  Hours, weeks, months, years, millenia...? *LOL*

As I posted to infer:  Don't shoot the piano player...;)

Maybe get to make your thoughts and suggestions make for a better product, if the creators ask for feedback.

....quoting self, to wit:  If they don't ask for feedback,, they'd get it, anyway...

..but not asking makes them suspicious and potential twits....mho..😏

Speaking of old coots. I saw a photo of an old guy who had implemented a tubed headphone amp on the back of his bicycle so he could enjoy the nice warm tube sound while riding. I’m only 70… but maybe when I am 75 I’ll try something like that.

@ghdprentice ....I remember a cartoon of that, but....given that art/reality seem to be in the midst of atonal chairs of late, a photo of that would hardly make a blink occur....

But I'd bet he had to keep pedaling in a high gear ratio.... ;)

I used to ride what's now 'road bikes' back when, interested in 3 wheels of late (2 f, 1 r...more stable....), although.....*🙄* front with a 'bone-shaker' pair in the back w/an auto-transmission could be insane from the membrane...*L*