TEAC UD-701 vs NT-505 vs ?

I stream Quboz and Tidal via a Bluesound Vault 2. Vault transmits to Parasound JC2 to modded A21 to Vandersteen Quatro CTs. (See my profile for complete description of system.) Happy, really very happy, with Vault 2 but it is likely best point at which to upgrade my system.

Considering TEAC NT-505 ($2K) and new TEAC DAC/streamer UD-701 ($4K), which has some very attractive features: in-house-built discrete Delta-Sigma DAC with FPGA circuity, dual-mono signal path, four separate power supplies... Have seen enthusiastic reviews for NT-505 from owners here. Only one review by Moon Audio out about UD-701, and they are not an uninterested party. Curious if any out there have heard UD-701?

Open to other suggestions, including used with roughly $6K price ceiling. See TMR has used Aurender A-10s for sale. Used PS Audio Direct Wave DAC with bridge is another consideration, although I have seen owners comment negatively about the bridge.

Not wed to DAC/streamer combo but that has appeal to me because it eliminates a box, connecter, and power cord, all of which add to cost and connector makes signal path less direct.

Also not wed to SS but a tube DAC appears to me to introduce an additional source of distortion into my otherwise SS system, so it will then be affected by both SS and tube distortion.




I have the Okto DAC 8, T+A DAC200, Chord Hugo TT2, Teac UD-701 among the top.

My UD-701 arrived much earlier than expected:)

I’m still comparing. It’s difficult to do blind DAC tests in my setup. But I’m very happy with the TEAC so far. The biggest benefit early on is its dexterity with DSD. I finally heard true DSD today rather than PCM converted, and...what do you know, it’s amazing!

I doubt I’ll stop using the RME, it’s so capable in so many ways, plus the new desktop remote has me excited. But I’m almost certainly keeping the TEAC, specifically for DSD.



@chestercopperpot ,

Thanks for sharing your experience. And good to know that you like the Teac, especially with DSD. Can you describe how the DSD on the Teac was better or different than on the T+A DAC 200? What attributes about DSD you liked on the Teac as compared to the T+A? 

I did an in-store demo of the T&A200 for 3 hours, only streaming Qobuz, and I did not find the PCM or upsampled sound to be noticeably better than the RME. I have not played DSD through anything other than the RME and the TEAC. 

My Teac NT-505 has run trouble-free for four years. It does its job 'just fine', although it doesn't outperform my analog playback chain. Like others, I've found that it sounds very good with (native) DSD files. With DSD the volume is bypassed which is a plus for the sound. I can hear the improvement also in the small (but DSD capable) Topping 30ii. In other respects the Topping is no match for the Teac, of course. I am not sure, how much of the Teac improvement is due to the streamer part, and to the DAC part, but it is clearly some of both. Have never tried it with an external clock. Too many boxes already.