Vacuum tube amplified headphones... an item that personally I've no real interest in, nor am I in any way linked to or have any potential to make any financial gain upon....nor do I know any of those involved with them....

But, in the interest of those would might find such an item of interest:

Kickstart This...

When a pair hits your pate, let me know if it's a hit *ow*...or a miss *(f/m voice) "What?..."*

I get notifications on K/S projects, and this is the 1st one I've seen of this nature.
If I see anything of an 'phile nature, I'll post it 'for your consideration'...just because. ;)

Have a great weekend, J


Speaking of old coots. I saw a photo of an old guy who had implemented a tubed headphone amp on the back of his bicycle so he could enjoy the nice warm tube sound while riding. I’m only 70… but maybe when I am 75 I’ll try something like that.

@ghdprentice ....I remember a cartoon of that, but....given that art/reality seem to be in the midst of atonal chairs of late, a photo of that would hardly make a blink occur....

But I'd bet he had to keep pedaling in a high gear ratio.... ;)

I used to ride what's now 'road bikes' back when, interested in 3 wheels of late (2 f, 1 r...more stable....), although.....*🙄* front with a 'bone-shaker' pair in the back w/an auto-transmission could be insane from the membrane...*L*

It is great to see another application for the Korg Nutube.

I have previously encountered it in Pre'-Amp's of which I am having one built, a Phonostage and DAC.

I see no reason why this new application will fail to find users, especially if the Circuit Design is enabling the Korg to really perform.

The controlling the Nutube's microphonic ring, is going to be a hurdle to get over with only a very compact space to produce control measures.

I have a wonderful Stax pair including tube amp.  Bought in mid-90s for flat living, very costly I recall.  I haven't listened for at least 10 years, but I should - the sound was about the clearest and cleanest I've ever heard and they beat most speakers.