Quick Question About Power Cables

Hi All,

I recently bought a Bryston BDP 3 streamer/renderer and love how refined and relaxed it sounds. I would like it more if the bass was a bit more controlled and had a little more impact. A friend and Audiogon member suggested I try an Audio Sensability Statement Power Cable. He bought one for his tube DAC and said the bass got tighter an offered better slam. Anyway, for those who are PC savy, what are your thoughts on the matter? Thanks!


@lowrider57 Did you try any other power cables before you settled on the Audio Sensability Statement for your amplifier? What sold you on the Statement?

I've tried so many PCs, I can't remember them all (btw, I can hear a difference).

Transparency is the goal for my current tube system. I tried AS interconnects and liked them even though they came in second in the shootout. A friend said if I like the ICs, I'd probably like their PCs. The Statement uses OCC copper and gold Furutech connectors plus there's a bonus; AS is in Canada and the CAD is weak compared to USD so the price was right.

It's revealing with a black background. I actually like it better than the Furutech on my preamp.




Oh yes, on this tube amp I’ve used Cullen, Furutech, PS Audio, and a Core Power cable.