Rob - good to see you making steady progress, and eagerly await your report on that parallel tweeter cap.
Regarding coils - bigger is not better (despite conventional opinion.) A significant consideration is the saturation frequency rf wire size. 18 gauge saturates at 17kHz above which turbulence results in distortion, heat and related instability. I consider 18 gauge the best compromise for woofers and OK for midrange with smaller being better and more so for the tweeter. That 20 gauge midrange feed coil is not an accident or compromise. Note the trimming resistors that follow it, so less coil resistance would not be an advantage. Au contraire. The dissipation factor of a coil is far greater than a resistor.
The 20 gauge tweeter feed coil was probably the best compromise between its required inductance and a resistance value that matches an available resistor value. I know that Jim would have preferred a 22 or higher gauge there if practical.
Also note that Thiel inductors were best-of-form from 1978’s model 03 onward. The 2.7 ERSE inductors directly trace their lineage all the way back to 1978 when Thiel introduced ’good wire’ to Acousta-Coil for the 03. At that time what is now CDA101 (highest grade) wire was an aerospace-only product developed for the Jupiter Deep Space Probe by ITT. The rest is history which I recounted in these pages years ago. I don’t think you’ll find better wire or winding, and thicker gauge would degrade performance - and make Jim squirm.