Looking for speakers under 3000.00 used

I am replacing my Martin Logan Ascent speakers. I like the sound but am looking for a larger sweet spot. My system is a Computer to Wyred 4 Sound DAC-2 DSDSE, Rowland Capri preamp and Pass 250.5 amp. Room is 16 x 18 with vaulted ceiling. I listen to all types of music and will use for watching some video. I was looking at Revel F52 and PSB Synchrony 1. Unfortunately where I live there are no audio stores where I can listen. I am hoping for some help from the audiogon community on this one.
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look for a (rarely seen - wonder why :-)) pair of PSB Synchrony One's - is your right choice. These are easy to drive, easy to move around and dollar for dollar, hard to beat - especially if you want replacement parts. Classic Infinity's are great but fraught with issues as Melbguy1 outlines.

I've heard many, many speakers and these were up there. Hard to take some strangers word but there's a reason Paul hasn't made changes to this line in many years - unlike what seems like now yearly updates by many others. If it ain't broke ....
I recently moved and the room has similar dimensions. I looked at Ohms but got definitivetechniology bp8080st towers and am very happy with the sweet spot and the bass. I use a Marantz CDs with a nuforce preamp and a 225 watt b&h amp. The new def tech series puts -6 snot the rear facing speaker, supposedlymuchbetter than earlier bipolars.
Have you tried the LSA 2 Statements?
The have an enormous soundstage, but pinpoint imaging. Very neutral, yet musical at the same time.