Looking for speakers under 3000.00 used

I am replacing my Martin Logan Ascent speakers. I like the sound but am looking for a larger sweet spot. My system is a Computer to Wyred 4 Sound DAC-2 DSDSE, Rowland Capri preamp and Pass 250.5 amp. Room is 16 x 18 with vaulted ceiling. I listen to all types of music and will use for watching some video. I was looking at Revel F52 and PSB Synchrony 1. Unfortunately where I live there are no audio stores where I can listen. I am hoping for some help from the audiogon community on this one.
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I recently moved and the room has similar dimensions. I looked at Ohms but got definitivetechniology bp8080st towers and am very happy with the sweet spot and the bass. I use a Marantz CDs with a nuforce preamp and a 225 watt b&h amp. The new def tech series puts -6 snot the rear facing speaker, supposedlymuchbetter than earlier bipolars.
Have you tried the LSA 2 Statements?
The have an enormous soundstage, but pinpoint imaging. Very neutral, yet musical at the same time.