The Raven is particularly well-suited to driving transistor amps because:
1) The transformers prohibit the transmission of DC pulses to RCA and XLR outputs, under all conditions, including total failure.
2) Unlike solid-state preamps, there are no DC servos to fail. There are no coupling caps on the output to store turn-on pulses, unlike cathode-follower designs. No muting relays are needed, or used, so the signal path is direct from transformer secondary to output.
3) All internal circuitry is fully balanced. The faint click when the VR tubes light up is only due to small residual imbalance (no more than 2%) in the 6SN7’s. Balanced operation alone reduces noise by 30 to 35 dB, then the VR tubes another 20 dB, and then 130 dB from the regulated power supply.
4) In addition to internal balanced operation, phase splitting at the input and output is entirely passive, not using discrete transistors, op-amp inverters, or split-load tube inverters. The custom transformers are precision balanced through 30 kHz, ensuring accurate phase balance for the power amplifier, whether it is solid-state or vacuum tube.
5) The input connections are floating, breaking any potential ground loops from the DAC or phono preamp. The transformers only respond to differences between signal pairs, with 80 dB or better common-mode noise rejection. The transformers also reject radio-frequency interference (RFI), passing only audio-band signals.