Your post is an example of despise that innerve everybody here...
You talk about what "neutrinos" coming from a cable? And you mock subjectivist hearing them...
It is very easy to mock subjectivist extremist views...
I dont like extremist of the subjectivist or objectivist kind...
Why ?
Because they focus on gear "magical " properties , MEASURED OR NOT....
The measuring crowd argue against the listening crowds that some qualitative phenomena cannot be there and the other side insulted claim and argue they are there...
Myself i dont focus on the GEAR....As this two sides did...
Audio is about acoustic and psycho-acoustic AT THE END...
Then i was able to tune my room to my likings with a result so astonishing that i learned this fact : there is no relation between before and after...
Is my small room could be deemed PERFECT acoustically like a great acoustic Hall designed by a pro? no...
Is my small room designed and tuned for my ears and biases ? Yes
Small room acoustic is not great Hall acoustic...( For example time and timing play in a different way for the ears reverberation can be used positively Etc )
i then learned why subjectivist and objectivist miss the boat in their respective living room...
In audio the most important component is a dedicated acoustic room... This is my truth... And for the immature dude who will say that my hearing is not perfect, i will answer for sure my hearing is not perfect ...But i was able to tune 100 Helmholtz resonators around my room distributed on critical spot by ears , and i did it in my imperfect way as a piano tuner tune a piano... It takes me 1 complete year of fun each day... End results : extraordinary at NO COST...It is not perfect precisely because my ears is not perfect but for me it was way better than no acoustic tuning ... There is NO COMPARISON ON ANY ACOUSTIC FACTORS between before and after..
The lesson : the gear is SECONDARY....
The hearing biases are not there to be ELIMINATED in the small owner’s room but to be used positively AS A SET OF BIASES TOOL to tune the room for the owner ears...This room is not a HALL for the crowds it is for me...( great hall acoustic is not small room acoustic, the same acoustic principles are used in a different way here)
if someone dont want to study basic acoustics and learned a lot by experiments; i recommend Dr. Choeri BACCH filters... It will be the same as my room but on a level of perfection reducing it to nothing to be compared.... My imperfect ears cannot beat DSP wisely used in a revolutionary psycho-acoustic design...
As in my room the sound from speakers ( or from your headphone) will be there in 3-D perfectly localized without timbre degradation... A feat i can only grossly and imperfctly approximate in my small room...
I am neither a subjectivist nor an objectivist extremist IDEOLOGUE quarelling as childs ...
i dont focus on gear, measured or not, i focus on acoustic...
The key to the best world system is acoustic and psycho-acoustic ...Ask Dr. Choueri... He dont mind the brand name of speakers, amplifier or turntable or Dac and their measures or their reviews...What matters first and last is the properties of the ears/brain experience as described in psycho-acoustic, or as used in an imperfect way in your room...Pick any good basic system and put it on his top level with acoustic... This is the way...I dont mind if you choose it by ears or by the numbers...I dont mind extremists...
Yeah but what about the neutrinos? Nobody checks for them. I have a cable with special shielding .....and I’m starting a go fund me account......
They will be called No trino cables.