T+A Amps and Preamps?

Does anyone here have experience with the T+A line of amps and preamps? I’m looking for folks’ thoughts/opinions on them, and how they compare to other solid-state gear like Pass Labs. Thanks.

What I have done for years is buy used, try it in my system and the sell it if I was not satisfied or wanted to go in a different direction. If you buy it right on the used market, you can usually turn it around for what you purchased it for. Worst case scenario, you might loose a few hundred dollars. I would have no reservations on the a3000hv. It is a phenomenon piece of equipment, assuming the rest of your rig is up for the challenge.

Anyone compared the T+A HV line with the SPL line from Germany that also has a high voltage design. 

@audiotroy its now been some years since your very passionate posts on T&A.

What has occurred since then? Do you even still carry the line? If not what happened?

I’ll step in here, Audiotroy had a stroke and that limits his activity in the forums, or maybe his shop keeps him busy, probably a combination of both. He still runs his shop, now called Audio Intellect, and still sells T+A.