Tube Preamp, uses 6sn7/6sl7. With or Without Phono; With or Without Remote Volume,

My friend is looking for:

Tube Preamp,  uses 6sn7/6sl7. With or Without Phono; With or Without Remote Volume,

Remote Volume would be nice, but not a must.

Separate Phono likely, but ......................


thanks, Elliott



deHavilland Ultraverve III ($2,995 when new)


  • Produced in a remote version, including volume
  • Excellent sonically, in all respects
  • High build quality
  • Very responsive to tube rolling


  • No longer in production, designer on extended sabbatical
  • Rare on the used market (I assume those lucky enough to own one would be reticent to sell, me included.)

A search has shown the most recent Ultraverve MkIII to be seen for sale sold in September 2022 for $1650.

To me and from what I know about this model, that sort of money seems to offer a very attractive device at a very competitive price to other options. 

We fixed his noisy Melos Preamp, dead quiet, no remote volume.

Revision: Remote Volume a must

6sn7/6sl7 still desired tube type.


Phono MM and MC included: $5,000 max

No Phono: acceptable, but $3,500 max to leave $1,500 to buy separate phono.

Tomorrow I have time to check out the many preamps mentioned.

thanks, Elliott