Dear Raul, Your prejudice about a.o. tonearms ''prevent you'' to grasp
the question. The question is NOT which arm is better but WHY SOME
OF THEM have limited counter weights. One of possible reasons than
are kinds of bearings. In this context I mentioned Ikeda's preference
for ''steel bearings''. I myself have experiece not only with both EPA!00
(the black one looks fantsticc) but also with 4 versions of Reed. My
latest 3P I needed to put together myslef. So I was able to SEE the bearings.
Those are cheap .artificial sapphire kind which anybody can check qua
prices. Those are ''hard to believe'' in connection with present tonearm
prices. BTW my preferenc is since 1984 FR-64 S. For good reasons
irrespective what Raul thinks. MM Raul is different ''animal'' than tonearms
and other componnts Raul..