Sound and music

Forgetting about the sound of our systems for a moment, there is a larger question of how sound by itself integrates into our appreciation and comprehension of music. Those notes written by composers have no really significant meaning unless physically heard. 
 How much of a part does the sensual  aspect of music play in its apprehension, and what part does the stringing of those notes together play? A musician can read a score and visualize ( or audio-ize) the meaning of the music but without the physical sound how much is missing?  
 This has significance in the debate over how one listens to a system: for the sound or for the music.


A musician can read a score and visualize ( or audio-ize) the meaning of the music but without the physical sound how much is missing?  

Nothing is missing:


For me at least, there ain’t nothin’ like experiencing music through my own ears. As much as I enjoy playing my musical instruments, I simply wouldn’t do it if I couldn’t hear 'em. It’s a sensual, not an intellectual experience. In keeping with this, the same goes for listening to my steeereeooo.

Great question and a good one...Thanks for asking...

For me my goal was all along my life , because i love music, reach a more than just good level of S.Q.

Because every classical works in particular, win to be listened at the best S.Q.possible...

For example, one of my favorite works is the eight book of madrigals by Monteverdi...

My favorite version is with Miroslav Venhoda, i listened to it for 50 years... Believe it or not, i only hear it completely with my speakers/acoustic room completed and now with my TOP headphone system...I waited 50 years...

Now i was never in the game of purchasing as many in  audio hobby... My hobby was acoustic for 2 years... My journey is now completed...

Music is now  my hobby with books and riding bicycle...

With music we dont need S.Q. but it is better with, even with bad recordings because we are able to catch more of the playing "hues" ...

I am happy beyond anything i ever dream about, because i succeeded with a low cost system to reach the top... I come here to discuss with friends but i am not in the audio upgrading game and i never was...Once realized  a very good S.Q. music is the only focus...Each evening music session is an ectasy, nevermind the musical choices...

My very best to you....