@sfvolvo As you have investigated a German Produced Phon' and have also made a reference to Valve being a preference.
I do not usually recommend, but due to having hands on experiences, will put forward a Phon' that might just tick 'all' (if not, many) of your Tick Boxes.
The Mr Nixie DIGNA is a Design that far surpasses its asking price as a performer.
As an individual, I really like it, and it took a purchase of a Phon' that was to retail at £5K to relegate it to my second Phon', the DIGNA is still used for about 30% of my vinyl usage, as it is still very well liked.
I have never heard Phon's in use, that have had a friends own design Head Amp used to create MC Input surpass the DIGNA set up to perform the same role.
When the Head Amp Design is attached to the DIGNA MM Input, the presentation goes of the scale.
Within my local HiFi Group, where up to Nine Members can be at a arranged meeting, for numerous months of a extended loan period, the DIGNA was the Phon' of choice and the reference Phon', used for all comparisons.
The Group did have the DIGNA , as a model which had undergone a slight modification to enable the usage of Vintage E88CC Tubes. The Phon' held it own in comparisons against Commercial Products being assessed and DIY Builds from Group Members or Loaned In for Demo' Models.
The Group are every so often intimating there should be another session dedicated to the DIGNA.
It is solely as a result of the above experiences, that I make the suggestion to investigate the said Model.
A search over time, which I have Carried out, will show the Model I own is periodically appear as used items, with a asking price of approx' euro 500.